Thursday, April 28, 2011

Final Final

So I took my last ever final exam today. I sent a witty email to my parents saying it was my "final final," and my mom responded that it was a final final finale. My dad responded with "Your final final- finally!" I told Mykle this because I figured he'd enjoy the puns more than I would, and he said "Finally! Your final final finale! But it still needs to be finalized!" *groan* This is the man I married. No wonder he and my dad (and Steve!) get along so well.

Now I've written the word 'final' so many times that it's weird to look at. Blech.

Know what I really really want for a graduation-slash-baby-shower present? Gift certificates to dream dinners. I have not been eating well in the past few weeks, mostly because of the whole wisdom tooth situation but also because I feel fatigued and lazy and don't even like to stand up, let alone go grocery shopping or cook. I feel really bad for Mykle, not to mention this freaking baby in my uterus.

Although I think the majority of my sympathy goes towards my husband. I admit it: I am harboring some resentment for this unborn child. He keeps on getting bigger which means I keep on getting fatter and more tired, with more stretch marks and less room in my bladder. I feel gross and ugly all the time and guess what?? I still have a month and a half left!! Which means I'm only going to get bigger and more exhausted!!

Obviously I'm not actually mad at the baby. Being third-trimester pregnant just sucks, even if you are low-risk and have had it easy up until now. Mostly I just feel guilty because I know I would feel and look better if I exercised more and ate better, but I haven't done those things. And I realize that it's not going to get any easier after the baby comes... HAH! No way! That's when the real work begins!

I just want my stupid body back... you know, the one I used to hate and complain about all the time? Come back to me!!! I won't complain about you anymore! At least, not much!

I am extremely psyched to graduate (haha, no pun intended) (oh suck, I'm turning into Mykle) and go to Dot's wedding and have these baby showers etc, but I am not looking forward to having my picture taken in this condition. Why couldn't Dot get married in August?? Doesn't she know that her life should revolve around me??

Blahh. Now this is getting just plain whiny. If you feel sorry for me, I do accept donations. If you don't, you might want to wait to read this blog until August or September... or actually, you could just save yourself the trouble and stop reading it altogether. I am not my sister Kate. She makes an effort not to complain on her blog. I figure, what's the point of a journal, online or private, if you have to put a positive spin on everything? My life is not Little Women or Anne of Green Gables. (Thank God; those books suck! They're like Aesop's fables written by the female speakers at General Conference!) I picture this blog as being more similar to craigslist's rants and raves section.


  1. You know what my life is like? My life is a lot like the Cosby Show. Which I didn't realize how snarky it is, until I became a parent. It's snarky, but warm and fuzzy at the same time. And not very serious. But hilarious. And although I make an effort to not complain on my blog, I still end up doing so, and offending everybody I know. So don't feel bad. At least you're not offending people when you complain about wanting your body back; you just make people feel really sorry for you!

    I do feel for you. At least it's not hot there. But it sucks nonetheless. I know, I know. But you'll get your body back. You really will. This from the mama who had 2 kids 14 months apart and didn't exercise hardly at all. I will agree, exercising is better. But I think it will be way, way easier to get into at least some kind of walking routine when you have the one, because he will want to go to the park, like, every day. Well, if he's like his cousin.

    Just remember that this time is not totally yours because you are making huge sacrifices to bring another life into the world, and that in the eternal scheme of things, it will only be like a teensy tiny blip on the huge line of your life.

  2. Listen to Kate! She's right!!! I had a grand time with you this past weekend. Thanks so much for stopping by the hotel; that was a fun conversation with Pop, Mike and Dot. :-) <3 mom
