Thursday, October 14, 2010


I have a church calling.

I've actually had this calling since June, but I only started doing it today.

Well, it's not REALLY a calling since I wasn't called by the bishop or set apart for it. It's basically just the Relief Society people trying to get me involved or something.

Anyway, my job is to make cards and invitations for the "birthday brunches" every month. Basically, everyone in RS who has an October birthday is getting invited to a brunch thingy on the 30th to celebrate. Actually, they're combining October and November this time since people will be busy around Thanksgiving time. So I had to make extra invitations for that.

Either way, I'm finally done making those stupid cards!! It was very thoughtful of them to give me this calling, since not only does it help me get to know people in RS (my goal in life) but (more seriously) it is a calling where I get to use some of my creative skills. Hey, it's better than ward greeter. I'd be the worst ward greeter ever, seeing as how I'm always late!

...But it's kind of a pain. It took me ages to make these invites, probably because I'm a perfectionist and want to make each one look different and perfect, like it's Valentine's day and I'm making cards for all of the boys in my class that I have a crush on. Blech. Maybe next time I'll just be a slacker and print them off the computer. A Word document (well, Pages, since I don't have Microsoft Office) should take about ten seconds to whip up.

Other than that, I'm doing well. I've been tired lately, but it definitely isn't from working too hard on school since I have been slacking a whole lot in that department. I never got senioritis in high school, for the simple fact that I never had a senior year, and instead just got my GED and went to college. However, I think I may have it now. I got a B+ on a test that I'd barely studied for the other day and I wasn't even upset!

Or else maybe it's the fact that I'm more interested in putting time and effort into my job (crummy though it may be at times) than into school. Whatever.

On an entirely different note, I think I am going to start leaving my credit card at home to prevent me from spending money on stuff I don't need. I haven't gone into debt or done anything completely stupid or irrational or irresponsible, but I worry myself sometimes. Because I can picture myself falling into a pattern like that so easily. And even though the things I buy are usually really good deals, I don't NEED more stuff. I have way too much as it is. And I get so anxious about money stuff. Spending what money I have on junk I don't need doesn't help decrease that anxiety.

Everyone who has not seen the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World needs to go see it. Best movie I've seen in ages, already in my top ten, and made me laugh out loud on several occasions, even the FOURTH time I saw it in the theater! (I know what you're thinking, but NO, going to the movies isn't something I've wasted money on. The first time I saw it was during an outing with the girls at my work, so it was free. Second time, my brother treated. Third and fourth I paid for myself, but it was at the DOLLAR theater. So, hah.)


Anyway, I am about to fall asleep at my computer screen if I keep sitting here. Which would be bad. Since I'm working. Well, "at work," at least. cnafbkwav.