Friday, August 19, 2011

Projects I'm Working On

I have a few projects that I've been working on lately. First, I've been sewing some cloth diapers using this pattern. Lukas is getting bigger and soon he'll outgrow the yellow edged prefitteds we have him in now, so I'm making him some more in the next size up.

Secondly, I've been working on two quiet books for Lukas! Well, one is a quiet book. The other is kind of a cloth book that isn't really very interactive. The first is a regular ABC quiet book, and the pages will go like this:

A- airplane (the propeller will spin)
B- banana (it will be peel-able with velcro
C- clock (the hands will turn)
D- dinosaur (he'll have spikes that you lace)
E- earring (this page has a pirate with a removable earring)
F- flowers (the flowers button on)
G- game (there'll be a little game board with removable pieces and a spinner)
H- hair (yarn sewn on that can be braided etc)
I- igloo (the igloo will fit together like a puzzle, with velcro on the back of the pieces)
J- jack'o'lantern (removable pieces so you can make your own face)
K- kite (tie the kite tail)
L- laundry (doll clothes hanging from a clothes line with mini clothespins)
M- mustache (removable so you can make your own face, like with the jack'o'lantern)
N- night (not sure about this design yet- removable stars?)
O- oyster (it'll have a pearl inside)
P- phone (the cord will be one of those curly shoelaces)
Q- quilt (weave the fabric strips together)
R- rabbit (he'll hide in a black pocket shaped like a top hat)
S- shoe (tie the laces)
T- tree (the acorns will unsnap and hide inside the hollow of the tree, which will be like a pocket)
U- ukelele (pluckable strings)
V- valentine (possibly another weave design, or else maybe I'll have the hearts in a mailbox? We'll see)
W- window (haven't designed it yet)
X- x-ray (also still working on the design)
Y- yo-yo (need to design)
Z- zipper (self-explanatory)

The second quiet book I'm making (which, so far at least, is just a cloth book without interactive add-ons) is ABC Star Wars themed. My inspiration was this AWESOME quiet book on what Kate would call a "Mormon Mommy blog." Here are the letters and what they'll stand for:

A- Admiral Ackbar
B- Boba Fett
C- C-3PO
D- Death Star
E- Ewok
F- Bib Fortuna (I was going to do Force, but couldn't think of what to draw for that)
G- Greedo
H- Han Solo
I- Imperial Storm Trooper
J- Jawa
K- either Knight (as in "jedi knight") or Kessel Run
L- Luke and Leia
M- Millenium Falcon
N- Nerf Herder
O- Obi-Wan
P- Emperor Palpatine
Q- Qui-gon Jinn
R- R2-D2
S- Sarlaac
T- Taun Taun
U- Ugnaught
V- Vader
W- Wookie
X- X-wing
Y- Yoda
Z- Zuckuss

Let me know if you think of something better for K or Z.


  1. I don't know half of these characters. "Zuckuss"? I must live in a cave...

  2. Bib Fortuna is the white, slimy worm-headed albino-ish guy who works for Jabba the Hutt at the beginning of Return of the Jedi. Greedo is the green bug-eyed alien who Han Solo shoots at the Cantina when he threatens to kill Han. Kessel Run is a pathway smugglers use to transport stuff, and is significant because Han brags to Luke about his ship being able to do Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs (a parsec is a unit of distance, not time). Qui-Gon Jinn was Obi-Wan's trainer. The Sarlaac is the huge pit in Return of the Jedi that eats people and digests them over several thousand years. The Taun Taun is the animal Han slices open in The Empire Strikes Back and stuffs Luke into to keep him warm when they are stranded in a blizzard. The Ugnaughts are the pig people in The Empire Strikes Back who toss around C-3PO's head. Zuckuss is another bounty hunter, but don't feel stupid if you don't know who he is. He's only in the Empire Strikes Back for a second; I just needed a Z. :)
